The Republicans win elections with votes from the two lower classes by pretending to care about them.Their big advantage over Democrats is the persistent cry to lower taxes.That cry sells voters because so many people are struggling and financially insecure(10% hold 90% of the wealth).They have been sold that government is bad and takes money away from individuals and families in a time of hardship(they are silent about the 1.3 trillion spent one two wars,privatizing the Defense Dept.,breaks to pharmaceutical companies).These citizens believe the Republicans because their media outlets lie to their viewers and give mis-information as fact. The Obama administration has lowered taxes for individuals and small businesses during his two years in office.The American Recovery and Investment Act cut taxes for 95% of all Americans.Two million people were lifted out of poverty by the tax cuts in the Recovery Act($150 billion).Millions of jobs were saved with these tax cuts.It provided $20 billion for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.It also provided$2 billion for the Neighborhood Stabilization Fund and $1.5 billion for the Homeless Prevention Fund.It increased the Community Service Block Grant by $1 billion while increasing the Weatherization Assistance Program by $5 billion(all programs Republicans are against). The Small Business Jobs Act provided loans to this community with a capacity of $14 billion.This extension supported over 30,000 small businesses.The Act also doubles the size of the loans that create jobs and supports business expansion.It also provides zero taxes on capital gains from small business investment.They can increase their write offs for investment and depreciation under this Act.
The Pledge to America is an elementary report(go to pledge.gop.gov) and see for yourself how poorly the Republican plan is presented. It contains 48 pages with half of the pages with pictures of America,town meetings and businesses.They have nothing to say so they fill the pledge with these photos that demonstrate their lack of credible information.They have so much mis-information(poor people/subprime loans by Fannie Mae caused the financial crisis...read I.O.U and Freefall,my past posts or watch the movie"Inside Job"for the real story.) that it's laughable at every turn of the page.They would never have signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act as President Obama did to help women get the same pay as men in the workplace. To help increase the amount of service citizens give to one another,President Obama signed the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act that increased the number of AmeriCorps positions from 75,000 to 250,000 annually.Republicans(except for Hatch) don't think the government should be spending money to support individuals around the country because they feel private religious groups do enough.In reality,foundations and charity groups provide a small fraction of America's service needs.
The pledge attacks the Affordable Health Care Act as expensive and a "government takeover" because they want people covered and treated like human beings not like a number in an insurance contract.Their pledge is for the companies who discriminate,avoid insuring the ill and undermine providers so they will be reluctant to serve the poor.The Affordable Health Care Act will create 250,000 new jobs each year while giving the largest health tax break for the middle class in the country's history.It will also provide tax credits to small businesses immediately for any coverage provided.It helps young adults who need coverage on a parents plan and restricts the use of annual limits.
Scaring our seniors is a daily occurrence with Republicans and the pledge is right on board with their accusations that medicare and social security services will be decreased.In the Recovery Act,64 million retires will receive a one time payment of 16 billion dollars.President Obama,unlike the Republicans,want to preserve the Social Security system as it was intended and not privatize it in the hands of a greedy, unworthy,un-American Wall St crowd..Medicare services will not be cut under the Affordable Health Care Act but will increase benefits with preventive coverage,annual wellness visits and a phase out of the donut hole for medications.It will lower premiums,reduce cost share and extend the life of the Medicare Trust Fund by 12 yrs.
More on the wonderful Pledge in the future.
The Pledge to America is an elementary report(go to pledge.gop.gov) and see for yourself how poorly the Republican plan is presented. It contains 48 pages with half of the pages with pictures of America,town meetings and businesses.They have nothing to say so they fill the pledge with these photos that demonstrate their lack of credible information.They have so much mis-information(poor people/subprime loans by Fannie Mae caused the financial crisis...read I.O.U and Freefall,my past posts or watch the movie"Inside Job"for the real story.) that it's laughable at every turn of the page.They would never have signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act as President Obama did to help women get the same pay as men in the workplace. To help increase the amount of service citizens give to one another,President Obama signed the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act that increased the number of AmeriCorps positions from 75,000 to 250,000 annually.Republicans(except for Hatch) don't think the government should be spending money to support individuals around the country because they feel private religious groups do enough.In reality,foundations and charity groups provide a small fraction of America's service needs.
The pledge attacks the Affordable Health Care Act as expensive and a "government takeover" because they want people covered and treated like human beings not like a number in an insurance contract.Their pledge is for the companies who discriminate,avoid insuring the ill and undermine providers so they will be reluctant to serve the poor.The Affordable Health Care Act will create 250,000 new jobs each year while giving the largest health tax break for the middle class in the country's history.It will also provide tax credits to small businesses immediately for any coverage provided.It helps young adults who need coverage on a parents plan and restricts the use of annual limits.
Scaring our seniors is a daily occurrence with Republicans and the pledge is right on board with their accusations that medicare and social security services will be decreased.In the Recovery Act,64 million retires will receive a one time payment of 16 billion dollars.President Obama,unlike the Republicans,want to preserve the Social Security system as it was intended and not privatize it in the hands of a greedy, unworthy,un-American Wall St crowd..Medicare services will not be cut under the Affordable Health Care Act but will increase benefits with preventive coverage,annual wellness visits and a phase out of the donut hole for medications.It will lower premiums,reduce cost share and extend the life of the Medicare Trust Fund by 12 yrs.
More on the wonderful Pledge in the future.
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