For revenues,Walker wants to keep the payroll tax rate at 6.2% but raise the cap on taxable wages from $106,800 to around $150,000.This would be less than the historical dollar level at which 90% of the total wage income would be subject to the SS payroll tax($171,900 in 2009).This increase is good but why stop at $150,000.Why not continue on all income like the vast majority of Americans pay.If 10% make over $171,900,why not continue on all income earned with no cap.( cap the benefits for anyone over $250,000)The high earners should pay 6.2% plus 15% on their capital gains income.(should raise capital gains to at least 20%).This is a direct way the wealthy could help the poor.The wealthy now avoid the 35% tax rate by placing most of their income in capital gain securities and are taxed less than the average wage earner.
Walker also wants to require citizens to have supplemental savings accounts.A 2 or 3% payroll deduction would go into an individual account for each worker.Individuals would have several professionally managed investment options to choose from.(Walker also wants every citizen to pay at least 10% of their income on federal taxes to help reduce our deficit) I disagree with this proposal because Walker is consistently talking about raising taxes on the poor while letting the wealthy keep their money.He is increasing taxes for the poor by 13% while ignoring the high income earners and their responsibility to the country and the lower class.He feels the upper 20% of the country pays too much in federal taxes(69% according to his numbers) and wants the poor to take some of that burden from them(get have no idea about what the lower class goes through just to survive..shame on you for even suggesting this proposal)
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