After WWII,arrangements multiplied a thousand times as the strategic Air Command set up bases in foreign countries(including dictatorships) for the servicing of its nuclear-cargo planes.A steady supply of oil had to be secured to keep our air empire running(thus our concern about the middle east).The arsenal was expanded for tactical nuclear forces with additional bases.With ICBMs,observation and guidance satellites had to be launched and kept in space.All this apparatus was directly descended from General Grove's(head of Manhattan Project) private air force,the first nuclear delivery system.
Foreign governments that granted us territory and protection were supported,even if they were not very good at recognizing the rights of their citizens.Being the champion of the free world meant maintaining nuclear superiority,not actually advancing freedom in the countries that cooperate with us.Our anxiety over nations going communist was a large part prompted by fear that this would shrink the area for such bases.This meant spying on other countries,propping up those that gave us what we needed and undermine those that did not.
The Atomic Energy Act of 1946 created a system that made atomic weapons a separate part of the nation's arsenal,with the President the sole authority over their use.In case of nuclear attack,the President would not have the time to consult Congress or instruct the public.The President's alert meant our permanent submission to his/her authority.The power over the atom is outside the constitutional order of succession under the twenty-fifth Amendment,and outside the military chain of command.The Constitution severely limits the Presidents function as Commander in Chief.He/she is the Commander in Chief of the army and navy and state militias when called into the actual service of the U.S.(director of military operations).The Constitution gave Congress the power to call up the militias to execute the laws of the union,suppress insurrection,repel invasions,provide for organizing the army and disciplining the militias.General Washington's appointment as Commander in Chief was done so by the Continental Congress.Washington flaunted no military symbols as President due to the importance of civilian rule in our Republic.Modern Presidents(since Reagan)have taken to being saluted though salutes are supposed to be only to military superiors recognized by their rank in uniform.
The passing of authority over the bomb does not follow public order(vice president,speaker of the house,etc.)It is entrusted to a secret few trained to handle the assignment.This system is another descendant of General Grove's authority.
When a real attack against NY and the Pentagon occurred on 9/11,Mr. Cheney assumed the powers of the presidency even though George Bush was still alive.Cheney ordered jet fighters to shoot down the last airliner terrorists had seized.The President was informed after Cheney gave the instructions,Cheney would in later days make the most extreme claims of executive authority without oversight or check of any kind.He defended his own actions.The concentration of emergency authority in the executive branch(WH) makes many officials say they can speak for the President.Those in the modern executive office(Commander in Chief)often act without letting Congress or the people know.These surrogates can be Republicans like Oliver North illegally funding guerrilla fighters in Nicaragua or Democrats like RFK plotting to assassination of Fidel Castro.They have the means of acting this way because of the vast and secret apparatus of the National Security State,which was set up in the era of Bomb Power and the newly empowered Commander in Chief.The elaborately constructed set of institutions enforces the ides that anything executive agencies do is justified in the name of national security.The Bomb instilled a structure of fear.
More from "Bomb Power" soon.
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