Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Today's World:Better Than Yesterday?

This is my 100th post and I wanted to write about all the things I've learned since August,2010 with information saturated with documented statistics but I've decided to just write my observations.Are we a better world today than in the past? I have an uncomfortable feeling that we aren't in a better place as a nation and maybe my perception is as a result of the acquired information I have gathered over the last six months preparing for this blog.In the past, I read the N.Y Times,The Nation,Atlantic Monthly,Mother Jones,The Economist and an assortment of other magazines but few political books that had a reservoir of depth.I didn't even have a home computer until Jan.2010 to look up valuable information.I was always a progressive but the last six months have been an eye opener for me because I read  many political books that really made me wonder if we ever lived in an economic democracy or a Darwinian free for all .Our society has always had income inequality, from our founders who controlled the ports and prime land to the financial masters of the securities world..The vast difference in income levels and wealth is disheartening to me and I wonder why more people don't get very upset about our nation's income disparity(Are we too drugged to care?).Americans are not unique in this disparity because most developed and developing countries have income inequality that is similar to ours.Some countries(those with higher percentages of union members) spread the wealth better than us and try to support its citizens with free tuition,health care,cultural experiences,paid maternity leave, pensions and subsidies of many types to alleviate the income inequality that exists.The U.S. has a great love affair with an economic system that hasn't provided welfare and benefits to all from it's deliverance of independence.The dialogue today rarely dwells on the failure of this system to meet the needs of 70% of our country.This 70% of our citizens barely get by and use credit to sustain a lifestyle that is always in the survival mode.Americans don't get paid enough to support themselves and the towns they live in.Their taxes are too high for their incomes,especially if they own a house.As foreclosures increase,it is obvious that families who make under $50,000 a year(70% of the country) can't afford all the bills a typical household has to pay.Many of us is a pink slip away from disaster.With so many jobs lost to off shoring and the new way of doing global business,Americans are always insecure about the future.Every day is an adventure with rumors about future employment or the high prices of goods and services.Workers are always on the defense, states and communities are on their knees to any business enterprise that is willing to bring jobs to its citizens.Why don't we have discussions about a better economic system to enrich our that is more cooperative than competitive.I can't find anyone who is even writing about new solutions to the disaster we have.I know I trust in the citizens(government without lobbyists) more than the fundamental capitalists who are nation less and authoritarian.We must make our own products to sell to ourselves and other countries and change our perception what "freedom" really means.One can be free and still be required to purchase products produced in our own state or country.Freedom to me isn't about purchasing clothes from companies that exploit workers wherever they live.Freedom to me is the chance to live a life without worrying about the welfare of my family.It is a concept that protects every citizen from abuse and hopelessness.Our political leaders are caught in a game protecting the wealthy corporations that want to continue these insecurities because it gives them more control over our lives.The election reforms we seek are squashed because politicians need corporate money to get elected in the future.The financial community with their enormous wealth control legislation through their army of lobbyists that have turned their backs on the 70% a long time ago.Recently,politicians have turned against part of the top 30% who have a little more stability than the bottom 70%.They want to undercut public workers(cut numerous jobs)) who have used collective bargaining to secure better pay and benefits.They are turning citizen against citizen and ignoring the fact that our banking industry with their manufactured securities decreased federal and state revenues by foolishly gambling with American investments and causing the Great Depression of 2008.Again, not much is debated anymore about this disaster of a system that creates deficits for states across the nation(Financial Regulation Act didn't change the core problems).

Over the past ten years,the U.S. has waged war against two nations in the name of national security.It did so at the cost of rebuilding our infrastructure,lowering college tuition,decreasing health costs,improving transportation systems,supporting clean air and water,creating new "green" companies,establishing more usable public parks,investing in renewable energy and a larger,well funded,public broadcasting system like the BBC.The war made new private sector billionaires and increased our federal budget more than any other type of spending.Our current budget is over 50% for total defense spending(current expenditures,interest debt plus continued medical benefits to soldiers injured).The Defense Department is an endless money spout for private companies who supply our services with ever item under the sun(They surround the Pentagon like flies around honey).Our politicians would rather take away subsidised  food for poor families,decrease social security benefits,reduce eligibility for health care than cut from this holy sanctum of national security.

So,the world doesn't look better from my perspective these days.We had more freedom last year than we do today.Economic security is the benchmark that must be attained in order for a nation to be free.We are getting closer each day to losing our freedom in the workplace that has become as authoritarian as any dictatorship.Democracy must return to the workplace where management and workers are partners in the welfair of the company.Our system has been devalued from one of promise to one of dispear.New ideas are needed to bring new economic reforms that will provide for all of the citizens not just the ones with a valued financial education(75% have a lack of money for a four year college).Hope must return or our jail system will increase even to a greater degree(largest system in the world today) and our stable 30% will dwindle as the years go by.

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