Monday, May 2, 2011

John Lennon,Nixon and Bin Laden:Radicalism In Different Forms

I just watched the film John Lennon vs The USA(2006) and it brought back many memories of that time period(1971-76) and the influence both Nixon and Lennon had on me and America's cultural toils.Both Lennon and Nixon were radicals,both with very different perspectives on what is important for the survival of the planet and the health of the United States.During this time period,the Viet Nam War was symbolic of the growing polarity among Americans from how we engage in violence to protect our national security to integrated sexual relationships.Nixon demonstrated a total disregard for the laws of our nation when he orchastated the deportation of Lennon because he was a threat to his 1972 election. His self interest directives was as authoritarian as the communists that he loathed and feared.His form of radicalism underminded democracy just as FOX news does today dispersing misinformation throughout the land in every corner of America.Conservative Nixon tried to silence liberal Lennon by manipulating the FBI and the Immigration Dept. because he was against the American right of free speech and assembly.Lennon was a positive symbol for many young people because of his stand on free speech and his desire to see political issues rectified through non-violence.He was loved because he rejected his celebrity and became one of us as best he could considering his great renown.He became friends with David Peel who was a street performer that I saw many times play during lunchtime on Wall St. I believe John played with him in the streets of NYC many times.Lennon loved America because it was so diverse and full of hope for a better world.Unfortunately,America has a dark side,full of violence and elitism,that quickly enveloped John when he spoke out against the war and Nixon's ominous conservative crowd.

As we listen to all the rhetoric concerning the life and death of Osama bin Laden,I start to wonder where he went wrong on his own quest to change the materialistic culture of Saudi Arabia that was influenced by the consumerism of the west.He was on to something positive when he attacked his peer culture that turned its back on Islam and copied the negative attributes of the west.Lennon,as best he could, was part of the American counter culture that dispised the excesses of materialism.Some radicals within the counter culture were violent and used that avenue to stop the funding and support of the war.Osama grew bitter when his own family disregarded his viewpoints that could have pushed him into the distructive force he became.His rebuke of non-violent demonstration was our misfortune on 9/11 and continues to this day in the Islamic learning centers who manipulate the young to use violent force against questionable enemies.Radicalism can have important relevance in the improvement of any society but it has to be non-violent and democratic.It has to protect the rights of all citizens and remain open to debate in a civilized,exposed environment.Nixon and bin Laden failed to give options to the majority and refused to dialogue with opposing viewpoints because they were afraid of their own shortcomings.As Lennon was afraid of American violence when Nixon was trying to deport him,I am concerned about international terrorism but also our internal propaganda machine that tries to control and distort information for the  benefit of the privileged who control the livelihood of the many.I hope the future will bring a new radicalism that will redistribute wealth to the many who have waited too long in the burning sun.

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