Thursday, June 9, 2011

U.S Marines,Water Balloons And Tug Of War Games

I just had the best day at school all year.We had an "advisor" day where the students meet with me and then participate in various games against each "advisor " group.I have a number of Marines in my class. They are signed up for many years and will participate and "protect" us in the countries our civilian authority(executive branch)tells them to.I told all of them today to be very careful and I want them to return alive so they could continue their lives here in beautiful America.They looked at me strangely, as if not considering the danger at all( have they been brainwashed by our culture).I didn't tell them today that I think every American engagement since WWII was unnecessary and that the previous executive branch decisions have been wrong and costly(human life and percentage of the federal budget).That the National Security State has drained our country's resources and we have the highest child poverty rate in the developed world.I told them to win the tug of war today(we did win).It was a great day today above all because it was free and unscripted.At the end of the day,I was soaked in water from students pouring water over my head( I was successful on all my targets also).Students were in chaos,throwing water balloons around at teachers and fellow students( a catapult was made to throw balloons long distances).We all talked and laughed about getting even and ran around free and pure just the way Sarah Palin likes it.America at its finest, with hot dogs at the end of the day.Parents and local boards of education would have had a fit but they don't understand educational psychology the way I do(have a masters in it and I'm a thirty seven year expert).We all enjoyed ourselves because censorship was locked up for the day.We censor kids too much during the day,week and year.They don't have any power in the ""modern classroom".Teachers are censored by the principals and principals are censored by the superintendents.It's the same in most jobs in America.I wrote about this in a previous post on "work councils" in Germany where  working relationships between workers and management is different.The modern classroom prepares the students to follow orders and don't make waves(we produce great marines)We should be teaching democracy in the classroom and in the workplace.As you know, we have lost it in politics to the rich and famous.The relationships teachers develop with students come from mutual respect and the easiest way to develop this to share in the decisions of the classroom.Equal power breeds ownership of one's environment that all humans desire and need.

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