Registered nurses are projected to have the largest number of new jobs in the next ten years(581,000) with a median income of $62,450(decent wage to pay the bills).This is a 20% gain.Home health aides are next with 460,000 jobs at a medium income of $20,460(not a livable wage)and a 50% gain.Customer service representatives are projected to have 399,000 new jobs at a median rate of $29,860(with this job you could afford a $600 apartment..not many of them around)and a 18% gain.Combined food preparation,fast food serving worker will have 394,000 new jobs with a wage of $16,430(hard to eat and cloth yourself on that wage)with a 15% increase.Retail salesperson's will gain 374,000 jobs(8% gain) and make $20,510(You got to be kidding).Office clerks will create 358,000 new jobs at $25,320(that's$365 after taxes a week..around a $500 apartment you would be eligible for).Accountants and auditors are next with 279,000 at $59,430(nice job).Nursing aides,orderlies and attendants are projected to have 276,000 new jobs at $23,850( a little above you got to be kidding).Post secondary teachers will increase 256,000 at $58,830(nice wage but not great for someone with a doctoral degree).The top ten jobs have only two that require a bachelor's degree or better.The other eight(one with an associate degree)only need a high school degree and most have only short term on the job training.Most of the jobs can't support a family and barley support one with two people working(today 71% of our families make under$50,000 with two people working).As I have stated before,middle class,union manufacturing jobs have left the country to produce products in foreign countries where wages and taxes are low(thanks to national and international companies that thought globalization would bring American workers an abundance of new jobs)
The second ten on the list start with construction laborers at 255.000 at a median wage of $28,520(not great for this semi-skilled area).Elementary school teachers(masters needed) are projected at 244,000(16% increase)at $49,330(good wage).Truck drivers increase at 217,000 at $37,270(decent.but need another family worker to survive with any comfort).Landscaping and groundskeepers is projected at 217,000 at $23,150(poor indeed)(18% increase).Bookkeeping,accounting and auditing clerks increase by 212,000 at $32,510(OK but need another worker in family to survive...$468/wk after taxes will get you a $625 apartment(using 1/3 of monthly revenue for rent).Executive secretaries and administrative assistants will grow by 204,000 at $40,030(getting better).Management analysts(24% growth) will be projected for 178,000 at $73,570(bachelor's or higher plus experience)(good job).Computer software engineers(175,000) at $85,430 with a bachelor's degree(another good job)(34% growth).Receptionists and information clerks will grow(172,000) at $23,550(not good at all..$339 after taxes).Finally,carpenters(165,000)at $38,940(not that great for skilled work).Three out of the next ten jobs have bachelor's degree qualifications and pay a good salary(the biggest gains are in these areas).The other seven need only a high school degree and most receive short term on the job training.Three jobs are close to the poverty level and under it if one has children.Only the college prepared jobs will have an opportunity for health care assistance they can afford.
The top twenty jobs have half receiving under $30,000 a year with no health insurance or collective bargaining rights.Seven jobs make more than forty thousand dollars and have a shot at employer supplemented health insurance.Three of the jobs might be in a union if they are lucky(only 1/10 are represented by unions in our current workforce).Five jobs required a bachelor's degree,fifteen didn't.(only 25% of American students graduate with a four year degree)(5 out of 20 is 25% )This trend doesn't seem hopeful to me because we are repeating our track record that isn't helping Americans get out of poverty or near poverty.Statistics don't lie but present a clear picture that our government has to intercede and create substantial jobs for the future with the money from the 25% who have it.Taxing that community of income earners(the way we did for forty years after the WWII with an added speculation tax) is the only way the bottom half will survive in our globalized economy.
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