Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Lowdown(Hightower):Tom DeLay to Rick Perry,Why Republicans Are Devoid Of Content for the Working Poor

A friend of mine recently gave me a subscription to "The Hightower Lowdown"which is published monthly for the benefit of those who want to know the truth behind some of our government decisions.Hightower starts his newsletter with the nasty partisan called "The Hammer",Tom Delay.A jury convicted DeLay just before Thanksgiving for unabashedly collecting corporate campaign cash in exchange for moving corporate legislation when he was the house Republican leader.He coerced both the GOP congress and the K Street lobbyists to follow his dictatorial,undemocratic power plays to enhance big business.DeLay also secretly and illegally funneled corporate funds into several Texas legislative elections.He was the GOP leader in President Bush's first term and was forced out of politics for his criminal activities.

Hightower continued his newsletter by accusing the Koch brothers,Karl Rove,Rupert Murdoch,Dick Armey,Grover Norquist and the Chamber of Congress as the new" Hammers" that control the US House of Representatives.They control elections by supporting or withdrawing money with the high cost of acquiring a seat in the House.They can attack with copious amounts of money since the Citizens United decree from the Supreme Court was issued. Various GOP operatives set up unrestricted front groups that took $200 million from secret corporate funders to run private campaigns fostering the Republican takeover of Congress.The US Chamber of Commerce plowed$75 million in surreptitious corporate cash into the elections.The funding shells for the GOP had monikers as American Future Fund,American Action Network,Americans for Job Security(funniest by my standards),Club for Growth and 60 Plus Association. The operatives coordinated their attacks on Democrats through regular meetings dubbed the Weaver Terrace sessions which is where Karl Rove lives.

The Koch brothers are privileged plutocrats or kleptocrats who have billions and want government to go away and stop helping organized labor or the poor in America(35% of families make under $25,000,another 36% between $25,000 and $50,000 before taxes).Charles Koch is a billionaire 21 times over who is an oil baron,industrial polluter and yearns to impose corporate rule over our democratic republic.He is against health care reform,social security,green jobs,environmental regulations and collective bargaining.These issues,he claims,are threatening to destroy America.He and his cohorts are planning now at the Rancho Las Palmas Resort in Palm Springs to remove President Obama from office with all the power they have.They already have lackey John Boehner in the House and Murdock controlling the media(FOX has double the TV outlets of MSNBC and CNN in America).

The prevailing unemployment problem(direct result of American banking system with debt ratios as high as fifty to one during housing bubble) where four and half million have been without work for a year or more has been disastrous for the Obama administration.The past two years have seen middle class jobs off shored,wages fall,family incomes sink,pensions looted,college education priced out of reach(one of the main reasons the poor join the military, for tuition),and homes foreclosed.Corporate chieftains consider low wages,long periods of joblessness,declining home ownership and economic insecurity as "the new normal". 53% of Americans fear they won't have the money in the future to make their monthly rent or mortgage payments.The Rebuplicans erroneously blame President Obama for these problems when they know the financial community and international corporations have taken no ownership of this troubled environment.The mainstream media continues to follow the populist Tea Party(Dick Armey) as if it was the answer to our problems(reduce the deficit created by the previous Republican administrations). Armey was a faithful servant of Wall Street,deregulation and giveaways to the rich. A lobbyist for health care giants and foreign countries doing business with our government(close friends with the Koch brothers).He has shaped the Tea Party's agenda from the start.I hope they run Rick Perry from Texas against Obama in 2012. In his last gubernatorial race he got only 18% of the vote of all eligible voters. His race was so lackluster that only 32.5% of all eligible voters had the stomach to vote.Perry has the worst environmental record in the country and the reason why oil refineries are located there.They have the worst schools,health care,pay scales with little collective bargaining,social services for the poor and a failed prison system that has terminated more people than any other in the U.S.

Subscribe to Hightower's"Lowdown" for only $10 a year...it's worth it.

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