I told him I agreed with his assessment of the tax burden on the families(71%) who fall below the $50,000 level in his state.These angry taxpayers can't pay higher taxes because they can't afford the expense due to their level of income.I put my arm around him and said we agree on this issue.Income levels have been the same for thirty years when one accounts for inflation. I told him I've been losing money for the past ten years on my privileged teacher bargained contract(1.9% raise while inflation was listed at 3.2%).We just don't have the revenue anymore to meet expenses the way our fathers and mothers did(higher tax rates for corporations and high income earners).I said my progressive group and the Tea Party members had a lot in common.Both of us can't continue holding up the revenue end on this train ride to freedom.I said "God bless America..how can we solve this problem" and Christie smiled because he thought he won me over to the pragmatic conservative viewpoint.I smiled back and said"that 71% needs the other 29% to help out and produce more revenue for the children so they can live the American dream and continue the great tradition of our values.He started to look a little confused by this statement.I stated again that we need the money from the folks who got it..the capital gains people who pay less than us in taxes as a percentage.Christie said they earned that money and they should have the right to spent it as they wish.I said that every worker earns their money but we give it back at a greater rate than the capital gains folks who have more and isn't it better for our economy if the lower income citizens have more money to spend(lower income level citizens spend more as a ratio than higher earners) because it stimulates the markets and creates jobs.He said rich people create jobs from lower taxes.I stated that under George Bush(decreased tax rates) job creation was the lowest since the great depression and the rich sit on their money and collect dividends from their investments.
Anyway,I know the Tea party members like social security and medicare just like me.Thank God we have a little security in old age.I feel very luck to have a pension coming and social security.My union in N.Y. have invested my and school district money wisely.I wish more people had protected pensions (strength in numbers)and higher social security payments.The vast majority of us worked very hard throughout our lives and really need assistance to continue a modest lifestyle with our families and grandchildren if we are blessed.I hope Governor Christie will join us(Tea party and Progressives) and try to convince his buddies that it's healthy for our country(I know they are patriots) when everyone shares in the revenue burdens created by our dark times.Let him return to the valleys of downtown Manhattan(issue transaction tax to raise $250 billion/year) and sing a new song for freedom.
I am so happy we are returning to the days of Dickens, that wonderful nostalgia of people living below the poverty line seems to be increasing daily. Those good old boys enjoying the fat of the land while the poor ask for "more" and are cast aside as being impudent. You want government to help you, they cry? "Tough". Starve, die from disease, suffer the loss of your home and excuse us while we reap the benefits of our position and money. Do you know what you are, they scream as they wrap themselves in the American flag? Communists! Socialists! Liberals! Anarchists! Always quick to give a name to something they cannot understand, much like Mister Bumble was fond of doing. Unions are the creation of the devil. Unions are the basis for the demise of this country. Unions did away with those wonderful sweat shops, long hours, low pay, unsafe working conditions. Upton Sinclair was a subversive. Jacob Riis used trick photography and Ida Tarbell was the shunned lover of John D. Rockefeller who only wanted retribution. You want a job? Take it or leave it. You want to bargain for your salary? Ha! The 13th Amendment has been repealed but the government just hasn't announced it.
ReplyDeleteWhy has this happened? Because Capitalism has failed. The experiment in free enterprise with no regard for the worker, has devoured its population. A form of indentured servitude now exists except payment is to the wealthy few supported by the government with true freedom not coming until death. It is a sad commentary that the profit line is superior to the person. Teddy Roosevelt and cousin FDR must be rolling over in their graves with the resurrection of the Coolidge mindset. The goal of the country is not what he claimed. The business of America is (are) the people, not business.