Governor Walker is a college dropout from Marquette University in Milwaukee(attended1986-90).He stated that the purpose of going to college is getting a good job.He dropped out because he was a salesman for IBM from 1988 to 1990(full health benefits) and concluded that his wonderful job was enough to stop his education(should have continued to acquire some understanding of human needs and fulfillment).He stopped working at this marvelous job to work for the Red Cross(more company benefits) as a marketing developer for another four years.He also ran for the state assembly during this time period .So the governor has a great resume working a total of six years as a businessman who is well aware of the history of unionization in America and the struggles workers have had to improve working conditions in an assortment of un-democratic environments.He knows about the work councils in Europe and the worker-management boards that direct businesses there.After his long experience as a productive business leader, he ran as a representative of the people.He used his skills as a public speaker(father was a Baptist minister) to secure a spot in the state assembly in 1993(tried in 1990 at twenty-three for same seat and failed).He won a special election and ran on the great issue of welfare reform and non-expansion of mass transit.So,Mr.Walker wanted to focus in on the very poor...children and mothers who needed assistance.He wanted these frauds to find minimum wage jobs without child care provisions(maybe he wished the fathers locked up in jail could do the babysitting).Oh,I forgot,he wanted to do all this without any new money for a decrepid transportation sysytem that hindered these fraudulent mothers and jailed fathers to get to the wonderful jobs that awaited them in the center of the city or in the surrounding suburbs.But the people bought his slick ignorance and the dropout won because the white district he represented probably had a racist majority that loves to put "those" people in their place.He was against all kinds of spending,especially on the state and local employees that were taking all his money through high taxes and spending it on college educations for their children.Mr.Walker also had an interest in keeping the jail door locked and secured as he supported and passed the truth-in-sentencing bill(1999) that made criminals stay the entire length of their sentencing without time off for good behavio(but what about the babysitting?).
As a county executive(Milwaukee 2002-2008),he cut the number of county employees by 20%.Let's remember we had prosperous times before the great depression of 2008.I wonder how those 20% are doing in this generous,job creating environment today.Did the county pay more for their hospital bills,welfare and unemployment benefits? Did Mr.Dropout save any money for the county during his stay in office?No..spending increased over 35% during his tenue but he did reduce the county debt by 10%.(on the backs of the lower and middle class).As the new governor of Wisconsin,Mr.Walker wants to change public employees contracts(lower pay and benefits,taking any protections from thugs like the governor) while lowering state taxes of small and large businesses,capital gains and top income earners.Walker is a common flunky for the top twenty percent earners,especially the top five percent, for our glorious,competitive economic system as he steps on and over the eighty percent(many who ignorantly elected him) to show his financial supporters that he is a good little boy who genuflects at their instructions to alleviate the tax pain they feel when they read the WSJ in a Caribbean hotel in the middle of February.
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