Saturday, February 19, 2011

Shouldn't We Be In The Streets Today LIke Egypt(Nader)


  1. Watching the events in Egypt, I was struck with similar thoughts and hopes. Thinking back, I was also amazed that more such action wasn't taken when W. was 'elected' president. Perhaps it would have grown, if not for 9/11 and the fear machine being put into place.

    Dissolving our Congress and holding new, non-party run elections, could result in sweeping reform in this country.

  2. I, wholeheartedly, agree that our one party system with gerrymandering has diminished democracy so much in this country that citizens have become obsolete and money pervails to such a degree that leaves us so distracted that we think our mass media is fair and not biased in support of corporate rights and income equality.The majority of Americans want us to remain in an old paradigm that is shortsighted,selfish,ignorant,racist,greedy,un-democratic and deficit producing.Why is everyone so silent about lost tax revenue from corporations and wealthy individuals in our media?Why is the media silent about the transaction tax on Wall Street that would generate $250 billion a year?I'm disgusted by it all.
