Sunday, October 3, 2010

One Perception:One Life

As I tailgated at the historic West Point yesterday,my admired friend told me he was going to stop reading my blog because the facts I wrote about made him depressed. I agreed with him because the more I read about the negative,the positive becomes a distance that sometimes is hard to get back if our thoughts linger on what's wrong in our society.Today,I will stay positive and take a day off from the plight of our lost souls in America.

Frank Gerhy is a marvelous architect and the building on your left is in L.A...I believe it is a performance space.I go to Bard College a lot to see classical performances by the students in a Frank Gerhy building. It reminds people of a pre-historic animal with similar materials as the one you are seeing. I like modern buildings..I also like 1790 eyebrow farmhouses that surround the same facility. I like the majority of buildings I see(very positive).If I was enlightened,I would like all of them.

We are always alone.I interpret many of Nirvana's songs as a recognition that even with our numerous,edgy experiences,we are always alone in our own thoughts.Many of us try to escape with drugs and alcohol,but the reality of our brain visions take us back to the perspective that we are here all alone and must deal with our interpretations of the film we see.Many succeed,many fail as we spin around the sun on our mud ball.

Yesterday I was in a large crowd rooting for Army to beat Temple in football. It was a great spectacle with the cadets and their families,cheerleaders doing thirty push ups when Army scores,people eating,drinking,singing songs and watching other people stroll by. One of my friends went to Temple in the late sixties to play tennis on a scholarship.I looked at him many times and he wasn't looking at the field.He was in his own dream with his own thoughts.I had a slight headache from drinking beer in the sun and watched the game but reflected on the loud noise coming from the various fans who love to shout out at the referee when they made a bad call.Overall,I enjoyed myself and it was nice to be with friends and share an experience.

Life is wonderful for me because I've been fortunate in many ways. I had loving parents,caring brother, and a marvelous wife and children.I was blessed with a large curiosity that has lead me down numerous roads.Those roads have left me open as I wind my way to heaven.I don't want to die,I'm always having fun because there is so much to explore here.I feel I am an explorer in a modern way but many of us are.We want to learn about life with all its ups and downs.Beauty surrounds us in every way and it's there for the taking.

Alone we are in this journey to heaven..or are we in heaven now? Many feel we are but can't see properly.Even those of us in poverty and violence are in heaven now according to some philosophies.Obviously,it's hard to see straight if your world is troubled by negative thoughts and fears.A small percentage of us can overcome negative physiological damage to our inner visions.These visions are not free but caged in the minds of the lost and worried. Some want to die as an escape,a release from the burden of defeat and anguish.I'm a lucky one as I walk in the woods but I also have my bad times ."Sometimes the light is shinning on me,sometimes I can barley see" is a famous Grateful Dead line that is so right for the majority of us.Alone we are to fight the negative even if we are surrounded by the positive.We have to figure it out ourselves to smile and accept who we are and where our steps will take us.

The many facts I bring to this blog are negative but I bring them because I want to change the negative to positive. I have good intentions to help reverse the negative so all of us can see the positive with a little more clarity.The sky was beautiful yesterday.Blue,blue without a cloud as the sun surround us and the Hudson River water eased our pains.I guess in each holy step we take,we must be open to the light and wonder it contains.We are alone in our own perceptions as experiences come and go as the minuets flow down the river of life.We must stay afloat and reach down into the water to bring the drowning souls to shore.

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