Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Tea Party and Carl Paladino Seek The End To Fairness

What can you say about a man who states homosexuals are brainwashed while he forwards pornographic pictures a young French women(younger than one of his daughters)to "friends" to ogle and fantasize with. What if his ten year old daughter,from an extra-marital affair, saw those pictures by mistake. It might be far more damaging than a public parade of homosexuals in NYC. Paladino also forwarded racist videos regarding the inauguration of President Obama with pimp and whore costumes. The same man who threatens reporters(I'll take you out) because they ask him for proof about a statement concerning an opponents extra-marital affairs.A candidate that feels American Muslims are secretly trying to establish Sharia by building mosques and infiltrating our society. Paladino wants to disable the Affordable Care Act of 2010 because it will have minor regulations against for profit health corporations who run their business like insurance companies not health services. He wants to give a clear path to the corporations who want to mine the Marcellus Formation before environmental studies are analysed.Ten years ago,Paladino was hit with a felony charge and a $500,000 fine for not following a state law requiring his company to check for asbestos before demolition.I guess he feels he's special and environmental laws are just frivolous regulations that are not connected to citizen health.He is against the right of a women to control her own body by supporting adoption over abortion even when the individual was raped.

This wonderful man would repeal the NYS Assault Weapons Ban(I guess he doesn't care about cops).He carries a gun as much as possible due to the decrease in crime in NYS.He must be afraid of all 2% of the population on welfare.He wants to abolish  the Board of Regents, Lower Manhattan Development Agency,The Empire State Development Corp.,MTA, Adirondack Park Agency and the NY Power Authority.Labor unions are pigs,especially the NYS United Teachers, who have collective bargaining which is almost anti-American from his perspective.Paladino wants to start"Dignity Camps" for unemployed youth in prisons to re-educate them(sounds like  old Cambodia to me). He is against the Wicks and Taylor Laws that hinders his capital fundamentalism.

He would declare a "State of Emergency" and all state,municipal and school salaries would be frozen and the state budget cut by 20% in his first year as governor.He would cut the Medicaid budget by 30%(make those poor people suffer more).For the better off capitalists, he would eliminate the state capital gains and corporate franchise taxes. He is a great job creator with compassion for all.

Paladino is angry at just about everyone except those who work for a minimum wage and those of us who have it all in our little democracy.I guess he ignores the fact that 40% of the state doesn't earn enough to pay federal taxes and very little state taxes.Income inequality is at 1929 levels. He's a perfect little Catholic boy(this religion is fine) who loves to discriminate and label his fellow lifeless citizens. I only wish I had his insight and endorsement of the hypocritical Tea Party Movement so I could take money from the poor and give it to the rich.

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