Monday, October 25, 2010

Vote Left:Do the Right Thing

This post is a summary of the forty-nine previous posts with a little reflection.I know everyone is gearing up to vote in the November election and the right  wants to get back the power they lost in the last two elections to steer our country back to normalcy with reduced taxes,less government and a strong defense.They had the House for twelve years(1994-2006)(Senate from 2000-2006) until the left took control  and tried to nationalize tooth paste and tomato juice.Under the Left's leadership, the great depression crystallized in 2008 with Bush and Paulson trying to stop the economic nightmare with corporate welfare scams(TARP) that helped the banks deny their securitization disasters.The country chanted"socialization" and FOX news blamed low income,party animal citizens for being greedy and taking advantage of the bank's Christian ways.The" do nothing",market loving right also blamed Obama for trying to stimulate an economy,giving tax brakes to small business,providing health care for all our citizens and trying to regulate Wall Street.Unemployment is still high and everyone is still feeling low(except bankers,hedge fund managers,insurance tycoons,the 10% that own America).It's time to waddle down to the election booth and vote in the Republicans but here are some reasons I feel you shouldn't take this path.

 Income inequality in America has gone back to the levels of the roaring twenties,a few years before the "Great Depression"Incomes have been stagnant since the late seventies in addition to basic inflation rates that  diminish our purchasing power.Ten percent of America owns 90% of the income assets while forty percent of the population don't have to pay Federal taxes because they don't earn enough money under our tax laws.Republicans are always crying about the estate tax as if it pertains to the majority of Americans.In reality,only 1.6% of all of us receive more than $100,000 in inheritance. the attempt by ultra-conservatives to eliminate inheritance taxes -- which they always call "death taxes" for P.R. reasons -- would take a huge bite out of government revenues for the benefit of less than 1% of the population. (It is noteworthy that some of the richest people in the country oppose this ultra-conservative initiative, suggesting that this effort is driven by anti-government ideology. In other words, few of the ultra-conservatives behind the effort will benefit from it in any material way.) Republicans also support individuals and corporations that hid their money in the Cayman Islands and Bermuda.One of the most glaring examples of this continues to be the ability of corporations to cheat the public out of tens of billions of dollars a year by using offshore tax havens. Indeed, it's estimated that companies and wealthy individuals funneling money through offshore tax havens are evading around $100 billion a year in taxes -- leaving the rest of us to pick up the tab. And with cash-strapped states all across the country cutting vital services to the bone, it's not like we don't need the money.This obnoxious behavior exists as thirty five million citizens live below the poverty level(24.6 white,9.1 black and Hispanic).Conservatives will answer this statistic with their message of "not trying hard enough" or "they are lazy and want to remain on welfare".Living below the poverty level doesn't mean you are on welfare. Less than 2% of our population receives checks for the aid of children without appropriate parent income.The vast majority work at jobs that don't pay enough to take them above the income guidelines.They supplement their income with food assistance. About half of all American children will receive SNAP(Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) benefits at some point before age 20. Among African-American children, 90 percent will enroll in SNAP before age 20. Instead of supporting the lower class, Republicans like to sit close to the upper class and write legislation that helps them keep as much profit as they can so they can isolate themselves from the hapless majority.They help coordinate government subsidies in the billions each year while fighting extensions to unemployment insurance.They support companies that ship jobs overseas because America has a minimum wage,so large that keeps people close to poverty and supplemental programs are needed(payed by the taxpayer) to keep their heads above water.With all this,they are silent about the banks who caused the great recession of 2008. Not one word against the objectionable,gutter actions of these bankers who only care about their earnings and dam the rest of society. No regulations for these fat boys who should be taken to prison and left there to read books on Marx and Lenin.

The Republicans love public spending even if they say they don't. They love to privatize government spending(one third of GNP).The Pentagon(largest percentage of our budget with debts to the injured) has 500 companies surrounding it and privatizing every step of their system. They have their hands all over the prison system.The next push is education and we see private companies undermining public schools in order to gain lucrative taxpayer money.The process also wants to rid the government spending of unions and collective bargaining(more money for them).All of this privatization is a strategy,not to reduce taxes, but to get the tax money for their own profits on the backs of the only segment of our working population that has any freedom and authority(35% of government employees are unionized).Health care is another system they want to keep private because they make so much money on our poor souls. The mouthpieces for this sector(Republicans) want to roll back any advances President Obama has accomplished. This strategy is to insure(not serve) the healthiest,low ball providers,and throw individuals off their roles when they are sick through their wordy contracts with numerous loopholes.

Republicans ignore work and environmental regulations because they negatively affect profits.Companies leave America so they don't have to pay workers,abide by environmental laws or provide safe working environments.If they stay here,they play communities against each other(subsidies,no taxes)for their franchises in localities across the country.

They want government out of their lives but want it in our bedrooms.They are against a woman's right to control their own body.The lovers of freedom and liberty want to restrict our right to get married or have an abortion because they know what is right for you and your body.They hid behind the constitution and interpret it for they own needs and feel semi- automatic weapons are appropriate for a modern society while police organizations put their life on the line each and everyday.

Lastly,some Republican leaders want us to believe that some individuals in America are more patriotic and love our country more than others.They try to divide us by putting out false information on a number of issues. The left and right perspectives should have one thing in common and that's our love of this country.For some Republican leaders to tell the media the left doesn't love America is politics at its lowest and sends a distorted message to our enemies.Please vote and consider the implications of a victory for the Republicans this November. Your vote might made a big difference and it's time to do the right thing.

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